Väsen & Hawktail

Väsen and Hawktail Album Cover mellan
Väsen and Hawktail Album Cover mellan
Track List
  1. Hawk Ale (O. Johansson)
  2. Leadfoot (P. Kowert)
  3. Tee Me Watcha Gonna Do Now (J. Tice)
  4. Hymn Till Sommarnätter (M. Marin)
  5. Your Town Polska (B. Haas)
  6. Kackerlackan (M. Marin)
  7. Strykarepolska (M. Marin)
  8. The Tobogganist (B. Haas, P. Kowert, D. Leslie, J.
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Vasen: Melliken Album Cover


Vasen: Melliken Album Cover

Väsen’s new album “Melliken” invites you to enter a colorful, expressive world in which Olov and Mikael’s music runs through the generations like a common thread. Traditional tunes are commented on by new compositions and the old tunes played by Gustaf Strutz, Melliken and Gustav Uggla gain wings and fly once more.

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Väsen Duo

Väsen Duo CD cover

Väsen Duo

Väsen Duo CD cover

Sold out. Still available on most streamed platforms.

Track List
  1. Dis
  2. Silverschottis
  3. Erlandsson
  4. Smultrongärds-Ida
  5. Hardrevet
  6. Marstalla-Olles brudmarsch
  7. Gruffalon
  8. Fröken ska få löken
  9. Andakten
  10. Kung Harald
  11. Den gröna ön
  12. Stormyren
  13. Alla ensammas lilla vals
  14. Svedmark
  15. Adventspolska
  16. Verkstad

Welcome to Väsen Duo!

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Press Release


After 30 years Väsen moves into a new phase.

Olov Johansson and Mikael Marin continue as Väsen, first as a duo with new exciting material. The future will tell what new collaborations will come out of this.

Roger Tallroth has chosen to leave the band for new projects.… Read the rest

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