Our new Tunebook is here!

Väsen Rule of 3 tunebook, Vol. 1Tunebook “Rule of 3” Vol 1.

It’s the music from our latest album Rule of 3. Its full scores transcribed by the mighty Timo Alakotila, our dear friend from Finland.

You can order it here.

It will be three books with 5 tunes per book, and it’s the first one we have finished so far. Since it’s the full score for every tune it’s a big one. 62 pages in the first book. That’s why the price is higher than the previous books. This is the pre word:

Dear fellow musician,

What lays before you is a truly unique edition! Its purpose is to describe the music played on the album Rule of 3, recorded by Väsen in 2019. This is the first attempt to score not only the melodies, but also to show what forms the music, chords, baselines, harmonies, rhythms and all variations in playing the melody.

Capturing the whole form in this way also tries to explain the drama of the arrangements. This has not been done with our music before, so we all thought it was time to present it in a more complete way. Of course, to further your understanding of the music, you will also need to listen to the recordings or attend our concerts.

We decided to simplify some things. In the nyckelharpa and viola parts, the ornamental notes are replaced with ornament symbols. From the high string, the 12-string guitar is tuned DADADA. In order to simplify the reading, a few of the notes in each chord may not be notated.

The great man behind the transcriptions is Timo Alakotila, who did such an amazing job! We can’t thank him enough!

Hope to see you down the road. Enjoy!
